In some cases I even had a hang off the usb stack it self making the host stall. Using a cheaper 5m cable on the same printer makes the connection error free. In my collection of usb cable I have a 3m double shielded usb cable with gold contacts and as soon as I use it I get errors every 100 lines or so. You should use shielded cable ferrit core, also this is no guarantee. The other thing that often makes problems are usb cable. So if you experience errors during print, which are normally caught by the host, you should try to find a more reliable speed, since every error could go undetected or end in a not recoverable error. Nevertheless I had boards that worked error free with one baud rate and had every now and then errors with other speed settings. The baud rate has only an effect on the short path between the two chips.
The first one is the usb cable from your computer to the usb-serial converter on your board and the second is the serial connection between converter and processor. Most boards have in reality two connections between the firmware and the pc. The host often shows some errors on the first connect. If you are not using Repetier-Firmware, set “Transfer Protocol” to autodetect or ASCII. If you want a different speed, change it over the eeprom settings in the host. That is the baudrate you had during your first installation. If you are using repetier-firmware you should be aware, that you need to use the firmware set in the eeprom, if that feature is enabled. If you do not get that or only some cryptic characters, your baud rate is set wrong. After a successful reset the firmware will send a “start” to signal it is ready to receive commands, which is what the host waits for. In that case disable reset on connect, so the host does not have to wait for the start signal which will never come. incomplete line, resend expected) you might get errors at the connection. the connection was stopped in an error state (e.g. The reset is used to get a clean starting point, so we know firmware is ready to respond.

Some boards like printrboard do not support reset over DTR signal. It only means you are connected with the usb-serial converter of your printer board. Having a connection does not mean, that you can communicate.
If no new port appears, you need to install the driver first. You can of course also do it the other way around. If the port vanishes for the dropdown list (the seleced port will not disappear, even if it is not available), you had the right port. If you are not sure if it is the right port, unplug the printer and click on “Refresh Ports”. These ports are only visible, if the printer is connected! So connect your printer and select the port. In the printer settings you have a dropdown list to select the port of your printer. Only if you select the com port of your printer, you are able to connect, if no other program is connected to the printer (eg Repetier-Server). You should be aware of the three stages of the connection and first find out, at which stage your problem occurs. One frequent problem at the beginning are problems with connecting to the printer.
Here you find detailed information how to connect Repetier-Host via Repetier-Server to the printer, which is recommendet.