Power suite software
Power suite software

Historical Load and Forecasted Load data resides in the databases indefinitely. PowerForecaster can be run several times each morning as part of the day ahead process and executed each hour with revised weather updates. End users may choose to either use the Load Forecast or to enter their own Load Forecast. PowerForecaster is a statistical tool that employs weather data and historical actual load data as input to generate load forecasts on a day-ahead and hourly basis and present the results to the RTO's for each service territory. It maintains unit parameters that are related to the equipment efficiency and operation constraints that may affect the production outcome. PowerSpark estimates a unit's substantive energy production cost for market bidding and unit dispatch based on historical and recent expenditure patterns.

power suite software

Market Dependen t Generation Cost Development System Each generation resource is to be modeled along with all relevant costs, constraints, availability, status, and other significant factors. PowerSym uses a set of forecast hourly market-clearing prices to predict these outcomes with a high degree of accuracy.

power suite software

The forecast period can range from next hour to three months or longer. PowerSym is a tool for forecasting short-term and intermediate-term outcomes for electric generation wholesale suppliers.

power suite software

Generation and Ancillary Service Planning Tool The tool also provides lost profit analysis for each hour due to various reasons such as inability to follow dispatch, outages, etc. All of the financial data analysis using known and forecast market data, internal data, and costs is rolled up along with the shadow Profit and Loss and presented real-time. In addition the system can calculate lost opportunity revenues with a default logic that can be modified. Estimated Operating reserves and credits are also calculated. Updated as frequently as every five minutes, the data include day-ahead and real-time LMP, energy and ancillary service revenues, costs and margins. PowerP&L is designed to deliver vital operational and financial information continuously from the day-ahead perspective to the final ISO-settlement perspective. Real-Time Profit & Loss and Operational Performance It manages all the plant-related outage events and activities, dispatch instructions, event logs, capabilities and reporting into one solution. PowerManager is a real-time command, control and communication system between the generation plants and central operations center. Real-Time Communications and Approval Tool Standard and custom reports are available for analysis and company-wide distributuion of settlement and billing information.


These tools include financial accounting checkout, invoice creation and tracking facilities, meter data verification, invoice dispute management and ISO bill verification. PowerTRACKER provides a complete set of tools to manage all the financial transactions between the market participant and the RTO. Meter Data Management or Settlement Packages PowerBROKER is a multi-tier, J2EE-based web application that incorporates the web browser as the application client, requiring no client-side installation.

power suite software

A web-enabled bidirectional XML interface to the market ISO is established for the transmission and reception of all regulatory postings as well as bid submissions and responses, including generation offers and demand / increment / decrement bids. PowerBroker provides complete multi-source data validation and storage for the many performance and economic factors that inform profitable bidding offers. Margin Analyzer shows how much margin the unit could have made by simulating a generation pattern if the event was avoided. By examining the heat curves, the incremental cost curves, and the hourly LMP or system Lambda tied to each specific unit, the system shows the true economic impact of each outage or derate. Margin Analyzerexamines the relationship between actual margin and lost margin due to outages and derates.

Power suite software